Producing these shows would not be possible without the wonderful support from our Patrons. Your generous donations will help the theatre program in covering the expenses it takes to produce the shows.
With your support, we will encourage these students' success in not only earning their degree, but celebrate their love and devotion to theatre, while creating community ties and making the OUAZ and the city of Surprise a place where the performing arts will thrive.
Show Sponsors

OUAZ Theatre Magnet
OUAZ Keychain
4 tickets to show
1/4 page ad in program
Thank you in pre-show welcome
Recognition on OUAZ Theatre Site and social media
Name included in Patron List in all programs
Company logo presented at ticketing table at show
Executive Producer
OUAZ Theatre Magnet
OUAZ Keychain
6 tickets to show
1/2 page ad in program
Thank you in pre-show welcome
Recognition on OUAZ Theatre Site and social media
Name included in Patron List in all programs
Company logo presented at ticketing table at show
Studio Executive
Recognition as Individual Show Sponsor
OUAZ Theatre Magnet
OUAZ Keychain
10 tickets to show
Full page ad in program
Thank you in pre-show welcome
Recognition on OUAZ Theatre Site and social media
Name included in Patron List in all programs
Company logo presented at ticketing table at show
Patron Levels
OUAZ Theatre Magnet
Name included in Patron List in all programs
OUAZ Theatre Magnet
OUAZ Keychain
2 tickets to show
Name included in Patron List in all programs

OUAZ Theatre Magnet
OUAZ Keychain
2 tickets to show
Name included in Patron List in all programs
Stage Manager
OUAZ Theatre Magnet
OUAZ Keychain
2 tickets to show
Name included in Patron List in all programs
OUAZ Theatre Magnet
OUAZ Keychain
4 tickets to show
Name included in Patron List in all programs